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John Goodenough: The Inspiring Story Behind His Groundbreaking Li-Ion Invention

In the vast landscape of scientific breakthroughs, few individuals have left an indelible mark on humanity like Dr. John B. Goodenough. Re...

Abhay Tiwari 29 Jun, 2023

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Concepts in Quantum Computing explained in simple terms !

Quantum computing has emerged as a revolutionary field of study, offering unparalleled computational power and the potential to solve comple...

Abhay Tiwari 29 Jun, 2023

Quantum computing: Basics simplified.

Quantum computing is a new type of computing that is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum computers are much faster than tr...

Abhay Tiwari 28 Jun, 2023

Difference between computeIfAbsent vs getOrDefault in Java

Both getOrDefault() and computeIfAbsent() are methods in Java that are used to retrieve values from a hashmap. However, there are some dif...

Abhay Tiwari 28 Jun, 2023

John Goodenough: The Inspiring Story Behind His Groundbreaking Li-Ion Invention

In the vast landscape of scientific breakthroughs, few individuals have left an indelible mark on humanity like Dr. John B. Goodenough. Re...

Abhay Tiwari 29 Jun, 2023

Class in Python

Not Exactly This :)  To create a class in Python, you can use the class keyword followed by the name of the class. The class definition shou...

Abhay Tiwari 27 Jun, 2023

Packages in Nodejs

In Node.js, a package is a collection of code that has been packaged up and made available for reuse by other developers. Packages are distr...

Abhay Tiwari 26 Dec, 2022

Creating UI using python

There are several ways to create a user interface (UI) in Python. Here are a few options: Tkinter : Tkinter is a built-in Python module that...

Abhay Tiwari 28 Jun, 2023